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Wild WeatherUS Youtube channel statistics

Wild WeatherUS
Video views
Video count
Estimated earnings in past 30 days
$ 1.03K - $ 6.17K
last 7 days
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last 90 days
last 7 days
Video views
last 30 days
last 90 days
Date Video views Estimated earnings
18.04.2024 Thu +708,002 $ 265 - $ 1.59K
14.04.2024 Sun +273,819 $ 102 - $ 616
10.04.2024 Wed +730,773 $ 274 - $ 1.64K
05.04.2024 Fri +693,787 $ 260 - $ 1.56K
01.04.2024 Mon +216,276 $ 81 - $ 486
27.03.2024 Wed +119,283 $ 44 - $ 268
24.03.2024 Sun +7,010 $ 2 - $ 15
19.03.2024 Tue +9,523 $ 3 - $ 21
16.03.2024 Sat +16,926 $ 6 - $ 38
13.03.2024 Wed +41,649 $ 15 - $ 93
09.03.2024 Sat +15,440 $ 5 - $ 34
05.03.2024 Tue +16,079 $ 6 - $ 36
02.03.2024 Sat +13,968 $ 5 - $ 31
28.02.2024 Wed +19,353 $ 7 - $ 43

Wild WeatherUS biography

Wild WeatherUS is a popular weather channel that provides a unique perspective on extreme weather events. With a team of skilled meteorologists and storm chasers, they bring viewers the latest updates and footage of hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, and other wild weather phenomena. The channel's informative and engaging content has gained a large following, making it a go-to source for weather enthusiasts and those interested in understanding the science behind these powerful natural occurrences. In addition to covering live weather events, Wild WeatherUS also produces educational videos that explain the causes and impacts of different weather patterns. They aim to promote awareness and preparedness among viewers, helping them stay safe during severe weather conditions. With their captivating style and dedication to accuracy, the channel has become a trusted name in the field of weather reporting. Wild WeatherUS's commitment to delivering quality content has earned them numerous accolades and a loyal fan base. They continue to push the boundaries of weather reporting, offering viewers a front-row seat to the wildest weather the world has to offer.

Wild WeatherUS controversies

While Wild WeatherUS has enjoyed widespread popularity and recognition for their informative weather coverage, they have also faced their fair share of controversies. These controversies have mainly revolved around their coverage of certain weather events and their methods of gathering and presenting information. One notable controversy involved their coverage of a major hurricane. Critics accused Wild WeatherUS of sensationalizing the storm's potential impact, leading to unnecessary panic among the affected population. The channel was criticized for allegedly prioritizing ratings and dramatic footage over clear and accurate weather reporting. Another controversy arose when an incident involving one of Wild WeatherUS's storm chasers was captured on camera. The footage showed a dangerous and reckless maneuver that put the lives of the storm chaser and others at risk. The incident raised concerns about the ethical practices of the channel and their responsibility to prioritize safety over capturing extreme footage. Despite these controversies, Wild WeatherUS has made efforts to address the criticisms and improve their reporting practices. They have implemented stricter guidelines for their storm chasers and made a commitment to prioritize accuracy and responsible reporting in their coverage of weather events.

Wild WeatherUS famous quotes

Weather is not just an abstract concept; it's a powerful force that shapes our lives.
Mother Nature doesn't discriminate - she can unleash her fury on anyone, anywhere.
When it comes to extreme weather, preparedness is key.
It's awe-inspiring how nature can be beautiful and terrifying at the same time.
Life's storms may be tough, but we can weather through them.
Extreme weather events serve as a stark reminder of the fragility of our existence.
There's a certain thrill in chasing a storm, but safety should always be the top priority.
Don't underestimate the power of nature - it's always best to be prepared.
Weather has a way of humbling us and reminding us of our place in the grand scheme of things.
Every storm has a story to tell, and we're here to capture it.