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FM O Dia net worth

$ 226K - $ 1.36M *

FM O Dia income

$ 371
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 3.41K
last 30 days
$ 10.6K
last 90 days

As a radio channel, FM O Dia generates revenue primarily through advertising and sponsorships. The exact net worth of the channel is not publicly disclosed, but it enjoys a strong financial position due to its wide reach and popularity. FM O Dia has a large and dedicated listener base, which attracts advertisers seeking to target the Brazilian market. The channel offers various advertising packages and partnerships with businesses, contributing to its overall revenue stream. Additionally, FM O Dia organizes music events and concerts, which serve as additional sources of revenue. These events not only generate income through ticket sales but also provide opportunities for brand collaborations and sponsorships. The success and financial stability of FM O Dia can be attributed to its loyal audience, effective advertising strategies, and consistent delivery of quality content.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

FM O Dia estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 1.46K
March 2024$ 3.67K
February 2024$ 3.22K
January 2024$ 2.38K
December 2023$ 6.24K
November 2023$ 5.65K
October 2023$ 13.4K
July 2023$ 5.6K
June 2023$ 2.37K
May 2023$ 4.04K
April 2023$ 3.74K
March 2023$ 5.04K
February 2023$ 6.41K
January 2023$ 7.38K
December 2022$ 9.18K
November 2022$ 6.77K
October 2022$ 8.32K
September 2022$ 6.03K
August 2022$ 5.07K
July 2022$ 6.53K
June 2022$ 5.73K
May 2022$ 5.02K

FM O Dia Frequently Asked Questions

When was FM O Dia founded?

FM O Dia was founded in 1996.

What genres of music does FM O Dia play?

FM O Dia primarily plays samba, pagode, and funk music.

Does FM O Dia organize music events?

Yes, FM O Dia frequently organizes music events, concerts, and festivals.

What is the mission of FM O Dia?

The mission of FM O Dia is to promote Brazilian music and support local artists.

How can I listen to FM O Dia?

You can listen to FM O Dia on the radio or through its official website or mobile app.

Does FM O Dia engage in social initiatives?

Yes, FM O Dia actively participates in social causes and collaborates with charitable organizations.

Are there any controversies associated with FM O Dia?

FM O Dia has faced controversies in the past, but it has taken steps to address them and promote responsible broadcasting.

How does FM O Dia generate revenue?

FM O Dia generates revenue through advertising, sponsorships, and music events.