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PJ Masks Brasil – Canal Oficial Pj Masks Brasil – Canal Oficial
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PJ Masks Brasil – Canal Oficial net worth

$ 782K - $ 4.69M *

PJ Masks Brasil – Canal Oficial income

$ 3.05K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 21.9K
last 30 days
$ 72.3K
last 90 days

While it is difficult to estimate the exact net worth of PJ Masks Brasil - Canal Oficial, it is safe to assume that the channel generates a significant amount of revenue from ad revenue, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. With over 2.3 million subscribers and consistent engagement with its audience, the channel likely generates a substantial income for its creators.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

PJ Masks Brasil – Canal Oficial estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 10.5K
March 2024$ 21K
February 2024$ 25.2K
January 2024$ 11.6K
December 2023$ 19.2K
November 2023$ 18.2K
October 2023$ 11.3K
July 2023$ 8.38K
June 2023$ 6.52K
May 2023$ 8.7K
April 2023$ 11.2K
March 2023$ 8.03K
February 2023$ 10.7K
January 2023$ 9.47K
December 2022$ 10.4K
November 2022$ 10.6K
October 2022$ 12.9K
September 2022$ 10.2K
August 2022$ 8.31K
July 2022$ 9.72K
June 2022$ 10.8K
May 2022$ 16K

PJ Masks Brasil – Canal Oficial Frequently Asked Questions

What is PJ Masks Brasil - Canal Oficial?

PJ Masks Brasil - Canal Oficial is a YouTube channel created to share content related to the animated TV series PJ Masks with the Brazilian audience.

What type of content does PJ Masks Brasil - Canal Oficial feature?

The channel features episodes from the show dubbed in Portuguese as well as content related to PJ Masks merchandise, events, and games.

When was PJ Masks Brasil - Canal Oficial created?

The channel was created on August 4, 2016.

Is PJ Masks Brasil - Canal Oficial available outside of Brazil?

While the channel is primarily intended for the Brazilian audience, its content is available worldwide through YouTube.

Does PJ Masks Brasil - Canal Oficial sell merchandise?

Yes, the channel has a website where fans can purchase PJ Masks merchandise.

What language is PJ Masks Brasil - Canal Oficial's content in?

The channel's content is in Portuguese.

Can viewers interact with PJ Masks Brasil - Canal Oficial?

Yes, the channel engages with its audience through comments and social media interactions.