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Jomboy Media James O'Brien
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Youtuber since
Sports commentator, Content creator
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Jomboy Media net worth

$ 465K - $ 2.79M *

Jomboy Media income

$ 4.81K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 20.7K
last 30 days
$ 48.9K
last 90 days

The exact net worth of Jomboy Media is not publicly known. However, the company is believed to be worth millions of dollars, thanks in part to its large following on YouTube and other social media platforms. Jomboy himself has an estimated net worth of $1.5 million.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Jomboy Media estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 8.7K
March 2024$ 14K
February 2024$ 16.4K
January 2024$ -821
December 2023$ 11.2K
November 2023$ 6.2K
October 2023$ 17K
July 2023$ 11.3K
June 2023$ 11K
May 2023$ 15K
April 2023$ 21.8K
March 2023$ 17.5K
February 2023$ 4.6K
January 2023$ 5.75K
December 2022$ 6.55K
November 2022$ 7.5K
October 2022$ 15.7K
September 2022$ 11.3K
August 2022$ 25.3K
July 2022$ 20.2K
June 2022$ 23.6K
May 2022$ 33.4K
April 2022$ 3.36K

Jomboy Media Frequently Asked Questions

When was Jomboy Media founded?

Jomboy Media was founded in 2017 by James O'Brien.

What type of content does Jomboy Media produce?

Jomboy Media produces content related to baseball, particularly breakdowns of games, analysis of players and managers, and humorous videos.

What is Jomboy's real name?

Jomboy's real name is James O'Brien.

What is Jomboy's most famous catchphrase?

Jomboy's most famous catchphrase is 'We got a fuckin' problem'.

Is Jomboy married?

There is no information available about Jomboy's marital status.

What sports does Jomboy cover?

Jomboy primarily covers baseball, particularly Major League Baseball (MLB).