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DUDU Betero Dudu Betero
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DUDU Betero net worth

$ 369K - $ 2.21M *

DUDU Betero income

$ 1.62K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 10.8K
last 30 days
$ 49.2K
last 90 days

DUDU Betero has achieved significant financial success through his career as a content creator. As one of the most popular influencers on various platforms, he has amassed a substantial net worth. Through sponsorships, brand collaborations, and monetization of his YouTube channel, DUDU Betero has generated a significant income. His engaging and entertaining content has attracted numerous brands and companies looking to reach his vast audience. These partnerships have not only boosted his popularity but also contributed to his financial standing. Additionally, DUDU Betero has expanded his brand through merchandise sales and other business ventures. His loyal fan base has eagerly supported his merchandise, further adding to his overall net worth. With his rising popularity and entrepreneurial spirit, DUDU Betero's net worth continues to grow. It is worth noting that net worth estimates can vary, and DUDU Betero's financial standing may evolve over time as he expands his online presence and explores new opportunities.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

DUDU Betero estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 5.34K
March 2024$ 11.1K
February 2024$ 16.1K
January 2024$ 14.3K
December 2023$ 13.2K
November 2023$ 14.8K
October 2023$ 14.5K
July 2023$ 16.9K
June 2023$ 7.47K
May 2023$ 14.2K
April 2023$ 24K
March 2023$ 25.1K
February 2023$ 27.4K
January 2023$ 24K
December 2022$ 22.6K
November 2022$ 22.5K
October 2022$ 22.6K
September 2022$ 11.3K
August 2022$ 21.6K
July 2022$ 25.8K
June 2022$ 22.8K
May 2022$ 20.1K

DUDU Betero Frequently Asked Questions

How many video views does DUDU Betero have?

DUDU Betero has 984,239,551 video views on youtube.

How many subscribers does DUDU Betero have?

DUDU Betero has 2,450,000 subscribers.

How much does DUDU Betero make per 1000 views?

DUDU Betero makes approximately $ 1.21 per 1000 views.

How many videos does DUDU Betero have?

DUDU Betero uploaded 3,372 videos on youtube.

What is net worth of DUDU Betero?

Net worth of DUDU Betero is approximately $ 1.19M.

When DUDU Betero started youtube channel?

DUDU Betero started youtube in 2016-09-18.

What is the monthly income of DUDU Betero?

DUDU Betero makes approximately $ 10.8K per month.