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Aphmau Jessica Bravura
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Youtuber since
YouTuber, Voice Actress, Writer
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Aphmau net worth

$ 8.12M - $ 48.7M *

Aphmau income

$ 71.7K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 479K
last 30 days
$ 1.46M
last 90 days

Aphmau's net worth is estimated to be around $5 million. She has earned this wealth through her successful YouTube career and merchandise sales. Aphmau has her own line of clothing and other merchandise that her fans can purchase.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Aphmau estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 228K
March 2024$ 458K
February 2024$ 448K
January 2024$ 270K
December 2023$ 449K
November 2023$ 438K
October 2023$ 468K
July 2023$ 427K
June 2023$ 240K
May 2023$ 321K
April 2023$ 478K
March 2023$ 566K
February 2023$ 635K
January 2023$ 427K
December 2022$ 410K
November 2022$ 345K
October 2022$ 366K
September 2022$ 158K
August 2022$ 399K
July 2022$ 452K
June 2022$ 387K
May 2022$ 285K

Aphmau Frequently Asked Questions

What is Aphmau's real name?

Aphmau's real name is Jessica Bravura.

When was Aphmau's YouTube channel created?

Aphmau's YouTube channel was created in 2012.

What does Aphmau's content feature?

Aphmau's content features animated videos about gaming, anime, and funny situations.

Does Aphmau have any merchandise?

Yes, Aphmau has her own line of clothing and other merchandise.

Is Aphmau's content suitable for all ages?

Yes, Aphmau's content is family-friendly and suitable for all ages.

What games inspire Aphmau's content?

Aphmau's content is often inspired by popular games like Minecraft and The Sims.